Meeting 2008-05-22&23, Saint Malo : Plenary meeting, "Consent" Topic
This workshop focused on the notion of "consent", a good candidate for a common discussion theme (and also possibly a way of unifying our contributions in future presentations of the project).
pdf priam-2008-05-23-public 33.60 Kb
Thursday (22 May)

- Legal view: the different meanings and forms of consent in the law (Shara) 09:30-10:30
- Technical view: automated consent thorugh a software agent (Daniel) 10:30-11:30
- Organizational view: securing the consent in the process model (Ciaran) 11:30-12:30
- Technical view: consent in the medical sector (Jerry) 14:30-15:00
- Legal view: consent in the medical sector (Joël) 15:00-15:30
- Discussions in subgroups 15:30 -18:00
Tentative subgroups:
  Subgroup 1: functional model, process model ("the big picture": what is our global view,
  how do our past or future contributions fit in this global view).

  Subgroup 2: legal issues (is the automated consent proposed in PRIAM acceptable
  from the legal point of view, in what conditions, if not how what should we propose?)


Friday (23 May)

- Towards the future: from data protection to knowledge protection (Ciaran) 09:00 - 09:30
- Discussions in subgroups 09:30 - 11:00
- Wrap-up and decisions for the next semester (including the October presentation and review) 11:00 - 12:00
Detailes minutes are available in the private section